wako is a Movie & TV Show Tracking App powered by trakt.tv and simkl.com plus a Kodi remote control.
Once you install wako on your device, you can view information about Movies and TV Shows, find out on which streaming platform you can watch the media (i.e. Netflix, Amazon...)
wako is a client for trakt.tv and simkl.com. It will automatically sync your data with these services. For a better experience, it's recommended you sign-up/sign-in to one of these services
wako allows you to view information, however you can not actually watch the Movies or TV Show episodes within the app. But thanks to watchnow add-on, you can easily watch them on your favorite streaming platform.
You don't need to create an account to use the app. But if you want to be a premium member and enjoy all the feature, you need one.
To create a wako account, you need to sign-in with your Trakt or Simkl account. It works the same way as sign-in with Facebook or Google on other apps/services.
Most of the features available in wako are free to use, but some require a membership. You subscribe monthly using your Apple/Google account and you can cancel anytime.
Once you have sign-in with your preferred provider, you'll find your wako's user ID under the membership page.
If you run wako on multiple devices, as long as you are connected to the same wako's account on these devices, you only need one active subscription
Be sure to be connected to your wako's account first before clicking to the restore button.
Kodi is a free and open source media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more. Kodi runs on Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS, and Android. Learn more and install from Kodi’s website.
Browse and play videos stored on your cloud server or cloud services
Plus, when you add videos from multiple sources they can all be displayed neatly together in one central library.